Os nenos e nenas do colexio puideron ver hoxe As Súas Maxestades que chegaron dende Oriente para recibir as cartas dirixidas a eles e para saudar a todos os nenos e nenas do noso centro escolar.
This is the result of our work during December.We not only use our creativity in order to design the three ghosts, but also we learn about past, present and future by using the correct structures to write and speak about them.
Este é o resultado do noso traballo durante decembro. Non só utilizamos a nosa creatividade para deseñar as tres pantasmas, senón que tamén aprendemos sobre o pasado, o presente e o futuro, utilizando as estruturas correctas para escribir e falar sobre elas.
During this session, the students must design their Christmas yet-to-come ghosts. We have used an APP called "oldify". In this way they could get older and imagine how they could become in the future.
Durante esta sesión, os estudantes deben deseñar a súa pantasma do Nadal que ainda está por vir. Usamos unha APP chamada "oldify". Deste xeito puideron envellecer e imaxinar como poderían chegar a ser no futuro.
It's Christmas time, and the greedy Mister Scrooge is not feeling the holiday spirit. Three ghosts visit him overnight to change his ways. The Ghost of Christmas Past, the Ghost of Christmas Present, and the Ghost of Christmas Yet-to-Come teach him the true meaning of Christmas: kindness and love toward others. Mister Scrooge must show love to those around him to save himself from a sad and lonely future.
Esta mañá realizamos a primeira das actividades que terán lugar esta semana previa ao Samaín. Todos/as nós disfrutamos moito con este obradoiro tan saboroso.
This morning we have made the first activity of all those that will take place this week previous to halloween. We all enjoyed this tasty workshop.