This powerpoint tries to highlight the most essential aspects of Malala and her personal fact file. It is the introduction activity or presentation stage to complete the worksheet that would serve as a practice stage on Malala's personal fact file.
Esta powerpoint trata de subliñar os aspectos máis importantes da vida de Malala. É a actividade de introducción ou "presentation stage" para completar as fichas que servirán de "practice stage".
The Unit in a nutshell
Author: Playdough Dreams
This worksheet is the practice stage which fits with the powerpoint about Malala's personal file. Pupils have to complete the worksheet and then they can develop a role play about Malala's information.
Esta ficha é o "practice stage" referido á powerpoint sobre a vida de Malala. @s alumn@s teñen que completar a ficha e logo facer un "role play" sobre a información de Malala.
PEACE DAY '15 (CLIL): Malala's file
Author: Playdough Dreams
FICHAS (Versión en galego): (pptx&mp3)
Malala's file - versión galega
Author: Playdough Dreams
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