Monday, 22 February 2016

WINNIE'S HOUSE: Paste the stickers

Winnie's house
Infant Education: 6th year
2nd Unit (2nd Term)

This is Winnie's house, but some of her things are gone, have disappeared. Can you spot the differences between the two pictures and find out three elements that are no longer in the picture below?

Esta é a casa de Winnie, pero algunhas das súas cousas xa non están, desapareceron. Podes identificar as diferenzas entre as dúas imaxes e descubrir que tres elementos xa non están na imaxe de abaixo?

If you have spotted the differences of the bathtub, the bed and the armchair, you're right.

Se te deches conta das diferenzas da bañeira, a cama e o sillón, estás no certo.

Now you have to replace Winnie's things in their proper room. To do this you have to use the stickers given for this purpose.

Agora tes que substituír as cousas de Winnie no seu debido lugar. Para iso tes que usar os adhesivos dados con este propósito.

Sticker play has all kinds of benefits!
Peeling and sticking stickers provides the youngest pupils with the opportunity to improve their fine motor skills. It can help develop finger and hand dexterity, and strengthen the pincer grasp. Positing the sticker where they want on the paper is a fun exercise in hand eye coordination and spatial reasoning.
These skills are essential for everyday living such as getting dressed, eating, writing and using a computer.
Creating colorful scenes with stickers can be exciting and rewarding.
Encouraging and sharing in this experience is an excellent way to connect with our younger students!

O xogo de pegado de etiquetas ten todo tipo de beneficios!
Pelar e pegar adhesivos ofrece @s alumn@s máis nov@s a oportunidade de mellorar as súas habilidades motoras finas. Pode axudar a desenvolver a destreza manual e dixital, e fortalecer o movemento de pinza dos dedos. A colocación do adhesivo onde queren no papel é un exercicio divertido da coordinación óculo-manual e razoamento espacial.
Estas habilidades son esenciais para a vida diaria, como vestirse, comer, escribir e utilizar un ordenador.
Crear escenas de cores con adhesivos pode ser emocionante e gratificante.
Fomentar e compartir esta experiencia é unha excelente forma de conectarse c@s nos@s alumn@s máis nov@s!

These are the transparent labels I have used to desing and develop this worksheet.

Estas son as etiquetas transparentes que usei para deseñar e realizar esta ficha.


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