Wednesday, 30 March 2016


6th year Infant Education
1st Unit (3rd Term)

Pay attention to the Chesire Cat ... we have to learn about the parts of his body before he disappears.

Presta atención ao gato do sorriso ... temos que aprender sobre as súas partes do corpo antes de que desapareza.

After that we will have to craft a cat ... but with its whole body.

Despois teremos que facer un gato...pero enteiro.

Cat template

1• Print my template and cut it out. In order for the cat to stand up, you need to fold a piece of A4 construction paper or poster board just for the body and tail. Cut out your cat body, but make sure you don’t cut through the fold.
2• Trace the cat head template onto black poster board (or white and let your children colour it as they prefer) and then cut it out. Glue the head to one end of the cat body.
3• Cut out the tail from the poster board or construction paper. Glue to the other end of the cat body.
4• Stick the triangle-shaped stickers:(see "5" before sticking the nose) The nose and the ears are pink, while the eyes are green.
5• Use 2 twistbands in a cross shape for the whiskers. Glue them to the cat's head as whiskers and then glue the nose on top of the intersection of the whiskers.
6• Use a felt tip marker so that the children can draw their cats' smile.

1• Imprime o meu modelo e recortao. Para que o gato quede de pé, hai que dobrar un folio de cartolina A4 só para o corpo e rabo. Corta o corpo do gato, pero asegurándose de non cortar a través da dobrez.
2• Usa o modelo de cabeza do gato sobre papel negro (ou branco e deixa aos nen@s que o coloreen como prefiran) e despois recortala. Pega a cabeza dunha extrema do corpo do gato.
3• Corta a cola da cartolina. Pegaa para o outro extremo do corpo do gato.
4• Pega os adhesivos en forma de triángulo: (Ver "5" antes de pegar o nariz) O nariz e as orellas son cor de rosa, mentres que os ollos son verdes
5• Usa 2 alambres plastificados de bolsa en forma de cruz para os bigotes. Pegádeos na cabeza do gato como bigotes e logo, pon o nariz na parte superior da intersección dos bigotes.
6• Usa rotulador para que @s nen@s poidan debuxar o sorriso dos seus gatos.

See more animal crafts.

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

SPRING: Felt flowers resources

Arts & Crafts
2nd Unit (2nd Term)

Our unit in a nutshell

March is the month when Spring begins, so, in this unit, we had to make felt flowers according to a video we saw.
The funniest for us was to use the hot-glue gun and try not to burn ourselves.
All our felt flowers are original and unique, since each of us could choose the colour we preferred.

Marzo é o mes cando a primavera comeza, así que, nesta unidade, tivemos que facer flores de feltro segundo un vídeo que vimos.
O máis divertido para nós foi utilizar a pistola de cola quente e tentar non nos queimar.
Todas as nosas flores de feltro son orixinais e únicas, xa que cada un de nós puido escoller a cor que quixo.

Mise en place


How to do
(The videos)

6th Graders :
The result

The making of

5th Graders:
The result

The making of

See how to do Other flowers

Friday, 18 March 2016

BOTÓN: Colaboradores familiares

Botón: Compañía de Ópera
Educación Infantil

Unha das actividades que se fan como parte das tarefas que implican a creación dunha ópera orixinal no proxecto LÓVA, é a da colaboración das familias.
Esta semana tivemos de colaboradores á mamá de Carla, de Uxía, de Gabriel, de Eneko, de Martín e tamén ao papá de Diego .

A inmersión da familia é fundamental neste proxecto.
Por unhas horas á semana, a familia é un colaborador fundamental nos grupos de diferentes profesións onde se practican habilidades de cada profesión.

One of the activities that have become part of the tasks that involve the creation of an original opera LÓVA, is the collaboration of families.
This week we have had as helpers: Carla's, Uxía's, Gabriel's, Eneko's and Martin's moms, and also Diego's dad.

Family immersion is essential in this project. For a few hours a week the family is a key partner in the groups of different professions where the skills of each profession are practiced.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Easter '16: Resources

Easter Bunny egg holder
6th year Infant Education
3rd Unit (2nd Term)

Our unit in a nutshell

Easter is round the corner, so we are going to make this cute craft to celebrate Spring.

All we need is:
1st - To print this pattern on some heavy paper or cardboard.
2nd - To cut out the parts of the rabbit.
3rd - To fold dotted lines and glue.
(Fold the triangular part of the ring between the legs and form a ring where you will place your easter egg).

SPRING: Felt flower result

Arts & Crafts
2nd Unit (2nd Term)

Mise en place

6th Graders:
The result

5th Graders:
The result

These are the results of our felt flower workshop.

Estos son os resultados do noso obradoiro de flores de feltro.

See how to do Other flowers

Monday, 14 March 2016

BOTÓN: A ameba

Botón: Compañía de Ópera
Educación Infantil

Unha das dinamizacións que se fan como parte das actividades que implican a creación dunha ópera orixinal no proxecto LÓVA, é a da "AMEBA".
Podemos sacar moitas ideas, deste xogo aparentemente sinxelo, onde nos convertemos por un instante en AMEBAS.
As metáforas que resultan deste xogo son moi enriquecedoras para a compañía.

One of the dynamizations that become as a part of the activities involving the creation of an original opera in LÓVA, is the "AMOEBA".
We can take lots of ideas from this seemingly simple game, in which, we become for a moment in AMOEBAS.
The metaphors that result from this game are very enriching for the company.

Easter '16: the making of...

Easter Bunny egg holder
6th year Infant Education
3rd Unit (2nd Term)

Mise en place

Easter is round the corner, so we are going to make this cute craft to celebrate Spring.
We are using watercolour pencils to colour our craftivity.

A primavera está á volta da esquina,así que imos facer esta bonita manualidade para celebrala.
Estamos usando lápises acuarelables para colorear esta manualidade.