Infant Education: 6th year
2nd Unit (2nd Term)

Mise en place
Our unit in a nutshell

In this unit, we have worked on basics about houses.
We have known two different houses of 2 characters we like a lot: a witch's one named Winnie and her cat Wilbur, and also Maggie and Steve's house.
And as always, we have sung, danced, drew in the air... and we have had fun by learning English.
Nesta unidade, traballamos sobre nocións básicas sobre a casa.
Coñecemos dúas casas diferentes de 2 personaxes que nos gustan moito: unha dunha bruxa chamada Winnie eo seu gato Wilbur, e tamén a casa de Maggie e Steve.
E coma sempre, temos cantado, bailado, debuxado no aire ... e divertímonos aprendendo un pouquiño de inglés.
Paste the stickers
Cut out, paste and write.
Picture dictation (Assessment)

I have drawn and coloured this template in order to do this craftivity.
I have given out a black & white version to my students and they have decorated their own houses as they wished.
Debuxei e coloreei este modelo, a fin de facer esta "craftivity".
Repartín unha versión en branco e negro para @s meus alumn@s e eles tiveron que decorar as súas propias casas como quixeron.
"Origami benefits"
Infant Education: 6th year
"Beneficios del Origami"
6º de Educación Infantil

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