Friday 25 November 2016

Os nosos ratiños

Ratiños de laboratorio:
Sexto de primaria

Lab mice:
6th grade

Hoxe recibimos uns convidados exclusivos: estes pequenos roedores que nos van acompañar durante o mes de decembro.
A partir deles, imos aprender cousas moi interesantes e, sobre todo, como coidar deles ao facelo.

Entre os roedores, os máis comúns son os ratos de casa, ratas, xerbos, hamsters, lemingues e campañoles ou topiños.

Grazas, Lois, por vir e explicarnos sobre eles.

Today we have received some exclusive guests: these small rodents which are going to accompany us during the month of December.
From them, we'll learn very interesting things, and especially how to take care of them in so doing.
Thank you, Lois, for coming and explaining us about them.

Among the rodents, the most common ones are house mice, rats, gerbils, hamsters, lemmings and voles.

Aquí podemos ver dous vídeos sobre ter ratas como animais domésticos.

Here we can see two videos on how to look after rats as pets.

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