Friday, 27 November 2015

BOTÓN: Pizza para a nosa Ópera

Este é outro pequeno paso do noso "crowdfunding".
Todo aquel que aportara un euro á nosa causa regalabámoslle un trozo de pizza. Podíase escoller entre pizza de atún e de Xamón.
Foi todo un éxito. Acabáronse as 15 pizzas que fixemos.

This is another little step of our "crowdfunding".
Everyone who contributed an Euro to our cause, was given a slice of pizza. Tuna and ham pizza were the two options. It was a big success. We finished the 15 pizzas we did.

Gracias a todo o personal do "centro" por colaborar connosco, especialmente ao personal de cociña por deixarnos todo o necesario para elaborar as pizzas e axudarnos en todo o que necesitamos.

Thanks to all the staff and students of "our school center" for cooperating with us, especially the kitchen staff for letting everything necessary to prepare the pizzas and help us in everything we needed.

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Room on the Broom: RESOURCES

Room on the broom: UNIT 2
Preschool: 6th year

Our unit in a nutshell
Room on the broom: UNIT 2

- Room on the broom: Online activities.

Origami Session

Origami session: UNIT 2
Primary Education: Arts & Crafts
6th and 5th grade

Origami session
Mise en place
Arts and Crafts

"Origami benefits"
Primary Education: Arts & Crafts
6th and 5th grade

"Beneficios del Origami"
Educación primaria

Room on the Broom: CLIL-resources

6th & 5th Graders
Arts & Crafts
Room on the broom
Our unit in a nutshell

Room on the Broom:
How to make Dragon Snot

Room on the Broom:
Write the recipe in this Book of Magic Spells.

Read further information about "DRAGONS"

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

BOTÓN: Crowdfunding pizza

Este é outro pequeno paso do noso "crowdfunding".
Todo aquel que queira aportar un euro á nosa causa regalarémoslle un trozo de pizza. Poderase escoller entre pizza de atún e de Xamón.
Esta é a nosa información e tamén o noso "estudo de mercado", xa que necesitamos saber cantas pizzas temos que facer.
Con este tipo de exercicios aprendemos a "falar en público con seguridade".
É outro reto para a Compañía de Ópera BOTÓN.

This is another little step of our "crowdfunding".
Everyone who contributed an Euro to our cause, will be given a slice of pizza. Tuna and ham pizza will be the only two possible options . This is our brief explanation and also our market research, since we need to find out how many pizzas are needed.
With this kind of exercises we learn to "speak in public with confidence". It's another challenge for BOTÓN, Opera Company.