Thursday 28 January 2016

BRAILLE: Our Bulletin Board

1st Unit, 2nd Term
Arts & Crafts

6th & 5th Graders
Arts & Crafts

Our mural about Braille is not still finished, but little by little we can see all our work
1st Unit, 2nd Term
Arts & Crafts

BRAILLE: Our name and age

1st Unit, 2nd Term
Arts & Crafts

6th & 5th Graders
Arts & Crafts

Complete the Braille Alphabet:
Fill in black the dots in each cell according to the Braille code.

What about you in Braille?

(Thank you to for the border used in the worksheets of this unit)

How to do them

Wednesday 27 January 2016

TOYS: The bookcase game

Infant Education: 6th year
1st Unit (2nd Term)

Team 1 team 2

Team 3

We take advantage of this activity not only to play this game, but also to assess the communicative competence through this speaking and listening activity.
Besides this, mathematics competence is also developed regarding to the ability of our pupils to organize elements on a graph (our bookcase).
Other core competencies are also present in this activity:
- Learning how to learn,
- Personal autonomy ...and so on

Aproveitamos Esta actividade, non só para xogar a este xogo, senon tamén para avaliar a competencia comunicativa nos alumn@s a través desta actividade de falar e escoitar. Ademais, tamén no que respecta á competencia matemática esta é desenvolvida a través da capacidade dos alumn@s para organizar elementos sobre un gráfico (a nosa andel). Outras competencias curriculares están tamén presente nesta actividade:
- Aprender a aprender,
- Autonomía persoal ... etc.

Monday 25 January 2016

Miró: Pequeno azul, pequeno amarelo

Obradoiro: 4º de Infantil
En la clase de la profe Cris

A mamá de Lía veu hoxe ao cole a contarnos un conto diferente.
Necesitamos pinceles e pintura e facer moitos puntiños como Miró.
O conto se titulaba pequeno azul e pequeno amarelo. Foi todo un descubrimento poder facer un conto pintado.
Gracias Paula :D

Thursday 21 January 2016

BRAILLE: Just a game?

How did you feel as a blindfolded walker?
(Trust building activity)

(Dinámica grupal de confianza)

6th Graders
Arts & Crafts

In the class Outside yard In the secondary building By coming back

5th Graders
Arts & Crafts

In the class By going downstairs In the secondary building By coming back

Another way to learn about numbers

This session has had two main aims:
1- Participating actively in this "trust building activity".
2- Creating the proper context to learn the basics of Braille codes.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

BOTÓN: Elementos dunha historia

Elementos dunha historia

Con esta ficha traballaremos os "elementos principais dunha historia". Será unha especie de esquelete que teremos que ter en conta para que os escritores empecen a escribir a historia da "Compañía de Ópera Botón".

We will work the main "story elements" with this worksheet. This is a kind of "skeleton" that we must take into account so that the writers can begin to write the story for "Botón, Opera Company"

Monday 18 January 2016

BOTÓN: Visita de Antón Cortizas

Antón Cortizas

Hoxe tivemos unha visita moi importante, veu Antón Cortizas, o escritor de contos infantís a falarnos da súa profesión e a facer un pequeno obradoiro de rimas con nós.
Ao final regalounos un conto moi divertido, ten un furadiño e hai que soprar por el.

Today we have had a very important visit, Anton Cortizas, writer of children's stories, has come to school to talk about his work and have a small rhyme workshop with us. At the end, he gave us all a very entertaining story-book. The book has a small hole to blow through it.

Sunday 17 January 2016

TOYS: The bookcase

Infant Education: 6th year
1st Unit (2nd Term)

Maggie has thrown many toys everywhere and now we have to help her place them in the bookcase.
First of all, one of the pupils has to place the toys in the bookcase then he/she will have to tell another classmate this placement.
Both bookcases will have to be the same in the end.

Maggie lanzou moitos xoguetes por todas partes e agora temos que axudala a poñer-los no andel.
Primeiro, un de vós ten que poñer os xoguetes no andel despois de isto ten que dicir a outr@ compañeir@ esta colocación.
Ambas andeis teñen que estar colocadas do mensmo xeito ao final.

This kind of activities are very important all along the infant education period. They are known as "sequencing". All of them play an outstanding role since they prepare our brain to understand and predict our surrounding world.
If we want to teach our pupils how to retell stories, we should use this type of activities in all their variety. They construct the basic context to work about concepts such as "beginning, middle, end" on being these the 3 elemental concepts of a plot structure (exposition, climax and resolution). When we use the bookcase as a game, we are giving our pupils the opportunity not only to tidy up toys in it, but also the essential context to communicate one another in English and to get the necessary element which will be used for "plotting" just as a graph for our toy patterns, or in a further step, as a sequence of events.

Este tipo de actividades son moi importantes ao longo do período da educación infantil. Son coñecidos como "secuenciación". Todos eles xogan un papel destacado, xa que preparan o noso cerebro para comprender e predicir o noso mundo circundante.
Se queremos ensinar a@s nosos alumn@s a recontar historias, debemos usar este tipo de actividades en toda a súa variedade. Estas tarefas constrúen o contexto básico para traballar conceptos como "comezo, nó e fin" ao ser estes os 3 conceptos elementais dunha estrutura de trama (exposición, clímax e resolución). Cando usamos o estante dos xoguetes como un xogo, estamos dando a@s nos@s alumn@s a oportunidade non só para aparcar os xoguetes nel, senon que tamén o contexto esencial para comunicar un ao outro en inglés e tamén para obter o elemento necesario que será usado para "tramar" só como un gráfico para os nosos patróns de xoguetes, ou nun paso adicional, como unha secuencia de eventos.

Thursday 14 January 2016

BRAILLE: L. Braille's life

Arts & Crafts: 6th and 5th grade
1st Unit (2nd Term)

This is our worksheet about L. Braille's life.

Esta é a nosa ficha sobre a vida de L. Braille.

Pablo's work

We have had to scan our pictures about L. Braille's life in order to make a POWER POINT PRESENTATION (PPT). This will be our project.

Tivemos que escanear os nosos debuxos sobre a vida de L. Braille para facer unha PPT. Esto será o noso proxecto.