Sunday 6 March 2016

HOUSE: Picture dictation

Infant Education: 6th year
2nd Unit (2nd Term)

We have learnt a bunch of things about houses these last weeks, so now we are ready for a "picture dictation."

Aprendemos unha chea de cousas sobre casas nestas últimas semanas, polo que agora estamos preparados para un dito de debuxar.

This is a kind of activity which works pretty well with any level of students.
There are different varieties of procedures, but we are going to develop the basic one with these very young learners.
It is also a good assessment tool to check the different strategies the pupils use to solve the task, since they not only have to recognize the proposed vocabulary, but also they need to control the degree of attencion span (the amount of concentrated time one can spend on a task without becoming distracted), which is required to follow basic instructions.

Este é un tipo de actividade que funciona moi ben con calquera nivel de estudantes.
Existen diferentes variedades de procedementos, pero estamos indo a desenvolver o básico con estes alumn@s de infantil.
Tamén é unha boa ferramenta de avaliación para comprobar as diferentes estratexias que @s nen@s utilizan para resolver a tarefa, xa que non só teñen que recoñecer o vocabulario proposto, senón que tamén precisan controlar o grao de atención (a cantidade de tempo concentrado que poden pasar nunha tarefa sen chegar a distraerse), o cal é necesario para seguir as instrucións.

Infant Education: 6th year
2nd Unit (2nd Term)

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