Friday 22 September 2017

Vocabulary cards


Vocabulary Cards
Primary and Infant Education

Estas tarxetas de vocabulario en branco poden abarcar todos os niveis de dificultade na ortografía e acentuación e incluso de novas palabras, deixando que os nosos alumnos e alumnas se concentren nas palabras que son de verdadeira dificultade para eles, independentemente das súas habilidades verbais e ortográficas.
Pódense colocar nun dos nosos paneis para presentacións na clase e proporcionarán axuda visual aos nosos alumnos e alumnas.
Eles deberán ser os encargados de escribir todas aquelas palabras que representan calquera tipo de dificultade para eles.

These blank vocabulary cards can span all difficulty levels in spelling and words which carry an accented dash or stress mark above specific letters or other orthographic marks in Spanish and even new words, letting our pupils focus on words that are the right difficulty for them, no matter what their verbal, spelling skills are.
They can be placed as one of our displays in the class and they will provide visual aid to our students.
The pupils must be in charge of write all those words which represent any kind of difficulty for them.

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