Wednesday 12 September 2018

Medo da aula Baleira



Esta mañá cedo esperaba polos meus alumnos/as e a súa hora de entrada. Pensaba no nerviosos que estarían no seu primeiro día de colexio. Non podían nin siquera imaxinar que terían unha importante tarefa hoxe, xa que estaban a piques de atopar unha (case) aula baleira, sen pupitres nos que empezar unha clase típica...Tiñan unha importante misión que levar a cabo este primeiro día, esto era: decidir o xeito no que eles colocarían as súas cadeiras e pupitres, de calquera xeito que eles quixeran, para convertir a nosa aula nun lugar apropiado para o seu traballo. Finalmente decidiron establecer o seu espazo a modo de facilitar a aprendizaxe cooperativa, no senso de facer máis doado o seu traballo diario. Todos/as eles/elas estiveron involucrados nesta decisión, facendo que este primeiro quefacer chave se convertirse nun xogo.

Aprendendo a pensar

Early this morning I was waiting for my students and their entry time. I thought about how nervous they could feel in this first day of school. They could not begin to guess They would have an important task to develop since they were about to find an (nearly) empty classroom, without any desks to start their regular classes...they had an important mission to develop this first day, this was: to decide the way they set their chairs and desks, whatever they fancy, was possible so as become our classroom in an appropriate place for their work. They finally decided to establish their room to facilitate the cooperative learning, in the sense of making daily work easier for them. All of them were involved in this decision, by turning this first key task in a game.

By learning to think

Someone has cleaned the class and painted the walls. ;)

(Good Witch of the North) (Ruby shoes)

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