Monday 16 November 2015

Room on the Broom: Active Vocabulary

Room on the broom: UNIT 2
Active Vocabulary
Preschool: 6th year

"Integrating movement" in the class not only gives the opportunity to reach those kinesthetic learners but also promotes a more meaningful learning. In this video we are integrating a creative movement for each of the 4 characters in the story and their elements.
It is Important to have into account that this kinesthetic learning constructs memories connected to time, place and emotions.

"A integración de movemento" na clase non só dá a oportunidade de chegar a eses alumnos cinestésicos, senon que tamén promove unha aprendizaxe máis significativa. No vídeo estamos integrando un movemento creativo para cada un dos 4 personaxes da historia e dos seus elementos.
É importante ter en conta que esta aprendizaxe cinestésica constrúe memorias ligadas ao tempo, lugar e emocións.

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